Deep Throat: Why he did it -- Less Than Noble Reasons

/*--- holy mAcar00ns!! --- */

Here's an interesting article on, Mark Felt, better known as Deep Throat:

Meanwhile, around him in the Washington headquarters, the aging Hoover's internal manoeuvres to maintain his tight control of the organization became ever more Byzantine. In 1971, in a palace coup designed to outflank his too-ambitious associate director, William Sullivan, Hoover created a new post for Felt which in effect made him the organization's third-ranking officer. Since Clyde Tolson, Hoover's deputy, was seriously ill and frequently absent, it put Felt in charge of the organization's day-to-day operations.

There followed a train of events that could have been scripted for a bad melodrama. On 2 May 1972 Hoover, aged 77, was unexpectedly found dead of a heart attack at his Washington home. Felt saw himself as the obvious successor and was stunned when the White House announced the following day that President Nixon had nominated assistant attorney-general Patrick Gray - regarded as a supine flunky of the administration - to take over. Then, with the FBI still in shock over Gray's hostile opening moves, five men were arrested on 17 June for breaking into the offices rented by the Democratic party in the Watergate complex.

Seems like he became the Watergate leak because he got passed over for a promotion.


all your bases ar--

ping moi pleeez

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