How much Matt Drudge (Drudge Report) makes per year

How much does Matt Drudge / Drudge Report do in revenues per year? The estimate is $10-15 million. Can you believe that? For one page. For posting links to stories. LOL. You can't beat that for Making Money Online!

Drudge is the #82 site on the internet for US traffic. He reaches about 13 million people each month according to Alexa and Quantcast.
Posted at 6:32 PM | 11 comments read on

Facebook has 13.6% share of display advertising market

Here's a juicy little tidbit. Astonishingly Facebook alone has more than 10% of the market for all online display ads! I hate that site!

Armstrong has been trying to turn AOL into a go-to place for a wide variety of news since he was hired to revamp the company in April 2009 while it was still a part of Time Warner. The makeover is designed to give people a reason to visit AOL's websites more frequently to help boost ad sales. AOL had just a 5.3 percent share of the U.S. display advertising revenue in 2010, down from 6.8 percent in 2009, according to eMarketer. Facebook, meanwhile, accounted for 13.6 percent of display revenue last year, up from 7.3 percent in 2009.

Well, how's that for Making Money Online?!
Posted at 6:30 PM | 47 comments read on

25 Most Valuable Blogs in America

Supposedly the 25 most valuable "blogs" in America. Some of these aren't blogs.

But the list includes:

But there are some ideas there if you want to Make Money Online!
Posted at 6:28 PM | 1 comments read on

AOL buys Huffington Post for $315M !! yikes that's a lot of clams

Via chron:

The Huffington Post ranks as one of the top 10 current events and global news sites and draws 25 million U.S. visitors each month. It has built its popularity by compiling news from a wide selection of other media outlets, with links to articles and video on everything from politics to style to food. The site combines that type of aggregation with original work by its own small staff and blog posts from celebrity contributors who work for free in return for a platform to express their opinions. Bill Gates has written for Huffington Post, along with President Barack Obama, Robert Redford and several university presidents.

The crazy thing is that if Huffpo is worth $315M what is Drudge Report worth? Drudge doesn't seem to have any desire to become a centimillionaire apparently. He's happy with the circa $15M he pulls in a year without any work. But if he just put in a little more effort to build a site around his circa 1997 webpage, he could have a few hundred million in the bank. How's that for Making Money Online?!!
Posted at 6:22 PM | 1 comments read on