Drupal 6 Introduction

/*--- holy mAcar00ns!! --- */

My rough and tumble notes for:


Chapter 1 - Introducing Drupal

Changing the front page:
- create a node (page)
- http://localhost/drupal/admin/settings/site-information

that's the location for drupal 6

Okay, my question now is how do we create dropdown navigation in Drupal?

If the navigation is to be done using the web-based interface. how do you add an additional page, and add it to the navigation, etc.

Default configuration enables comments for all content types!

Basically, drupal does not have built in support for dropdown menus.

those guys do have support for suckerfish that supposedly ties into the menu system. but otherwise peopel are just hardcoding the navigation, and divorcing it from the drupal menu system.

if yoiu do that though then you would want to make sure that users can't access the navigation. that's a good idea anyway because that's really a part of site architecture. jsut let htem maintain content, not information architecture like that.

also look at this:


the book says that the slogan can be displayed within the title attribute. but i guess that's up up to the theme, because it's now showing up in my theme right now.

As for the mission statement, it shows up in a regular div. it's not an h1 or anything so i don't it has much of an impact on seo.

drupal URL building is sort of similar to that of django i woudl say. there's no actual correlation it seems to physical location.

and everything is split on the slash

default url:

if clean it would be simply:

and then it splits on the slashes and routes appropriately according to its mapping rules.

on p26 is totally confusing about how to set 403 and 404 pages. all the info you need is not there!

cached pages are only served to annonymous visitors

2 ways to offer file downloading:
- public - hotlinking is possible
- private - directory is not visible on web, but accessible to scripts - slower

Cant change that setting after you've deployed, it iwll break links.

next question is how do you make a post or page with pictures? see no contorl for that. how do you upload pictures and include them in a post etc.

okay so file uploading and error pages and stuff is all in the admin/settings/ (which is site configuration)

all caching is under performance section of site configuration

RSS settings are under Administer/Content Mgmt

what i still dont' undrestand is how you enter HTML into the editor beaue ti's always adding
and stuff. and it's messing things up. you know? what do you do when you want pure html. even wordpress can figure this out and let you do raw html.

awesome.w e just need to create a new filter. which is under Site Configuration/Input formats

input filtering modules to look at include:
markdown with smartypants
smiley face modules
codefilter (for sites that want to discuss PHP-embed code)

teh bookd discusses a PHP evaluator filter that lets yo embed php code and run it. buti don't see it in the options on drupal 6. maybe it'll jsut work by default for the most liberal filter, i don't know. i sort of doubt it.

the order of the filters matters if later filters depend on earlier filters.

intgersegting cron needs to run in order for the search results to return anything. stuff only gets indexed by cron

can't find the page for configuring comments. the book and our version aren't the same. i think it still does exist. i recall seeing it. but i can't find it.


Basically, in contrast to previous editions of Drupal, comments are now configured by content type - allowing you to permit comments on blog entries, but not on image nodes.

Finding The Configuration Pages
To find the configuration page for each content type, browse to Admin -> Content Management -> Content Types and click Edit on the content type you want to set up comments on.

remember tha themes can be configured. so the slogan actually does show up in the title attribute if you want it to. all tha tcan be turned on or off.

confused on secondary links. what are they exactly and why can't i get them ot actually show up as secondary links associates with a particular primary link

[ on menu settings need to set source for primary and secondary links to primary in both fields ]

Tabbed menu - becoming more popular because it's a little more "gee-whiz" in its presentation. It is debatable as to whether it is any more effective for your visitors. In Drupal, it is divided into "Primary" (the tabs you always see) and "Secondary" (the part that drops down, or slides out). Not all themes support secondary links.

so i think the theme has to do with it.

[ actually tha tquote is misleading secondary is not hte same as 'the part that drops down' - the part that drops down should be submenu items, they are simply child items not secondary links, which have a specific meaning w/in drupal ]


URL vs. path

path is everything after hte ?q=

if clean url's aren't enabled.

optherwise it's everyting after site.com/

see the page for your term and it's rss feed:

simply figure out what the number of ht term is by hovering over it in the admin section.

if you want to do OR, that is one term OR another:

if you wnat to to do AND, where tis categoris under both terms:

but you can't mix + and , (AND and OR)

if you have a hierarchy see p58, you can also get children by doing stuff like



default i think has 0 at the end (meaning no children)

if you want the feed, simply add feed:

powerful stuff!

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ping moi pleeez

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