Create screenshots of a web page using Python and QtWebKit

/*--- holy mAcar00ns!! --- */

Cybso. � Blog Archive � Create screenshots of a web page using Python and QtWebKit: "From time to time you may want to create a screenshot of a web page from command line, for example if you wish to create thumbnails for your web-application. So you might search for such a program and find tools like webkit2png, which is for Mac OS X only, or khtml2png, which requires a lot of KDE stuff to be installed on your server.

But since Qt Software, formerly known als Trolltech, integrated Safari’s famous rendering engine WebKit (which is based on Konqueror’s khtml engine) into it’s framework, we are now able to make use of it with the help of some Python and PyQt4."

all your bases ar--

ping moi pleeez

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